Wednesday, January 15, 2014

2014 (in) courage

I am about to embark into a new world with other women of faith. This new blog that I have just discovered is awesome. I am hoping that there are other women that will be willing to jump in with me. Reading the events from the past on this new blog is very interesting. The book club seems to be super great to. Read a chapter and then watch a video of other women and their reviews of the book. Sharing the word with each others is an awesome way to build relationships. I haven't read all there is about the meet ups but I would love to try to have a local meet up for all to come together and share more of the good news. Stay tuned here for more details. Looking forward to April 25-26. There is a live preview of great news. I am hoping to plan a meet up by then at my local church, The Life of Christ the Redeemer here in LaGrange, Georgia. So stay tuned for that to. Start here on the new news!! Thanks for letting me share!!

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